HAC Act for Hills and AFSPA for Valley of Manipur. What a justice and equality by Indian law makers!
When any debate is raised on Manipur issue, hill brethren used Hill Areas Committee (HAC) Act to link all their demands and blame every thing on Valley people using this HAC. Who invented this ACT, by the way?
When any debate is raised on Manipur issue, hill brethren used Hill Areas Committee (HAC) Act to link all their demands and blame every thing on Valley people using this HAC. Who invented this ACT, by the way?
Hill brethren have never worked for developing Manipur, But always ready to use HAC Act for every anti Manipur activities. They are ready to oppose every Bill passed by the Manipur Government using HAC Act. Why the 3 Bills to protect Manipur faced opposition from Hills. Because many of them feels insecure and thought that HAC will be powerless!
In any protest, be it for student scholarships, job reservation, free food or any freebies, one act they recite in their mouth is HAC Act. It seems a god gifted boon.
Manipur hill covers approximately 90 percent of the total area of Manipur. Habitable valley area is less than 2000 square kilometer. Why special appeasement policy for Hill Areas which covers 90 percent of the State? Is this discrimination to the valley people by Constitution of India?
Government of India fails to study the political history of newly occupied state and did a number of blunders in the beginning. I would say, the problems of unrest and hill-valley divide is the doings of our law makers.
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Kill the Act which Divide Hill and Valley - the HAC of 1972 |
After Independence, law makers of the Country committed to safeguard the well-being and interest of the Hill Tribals by assimilating the provisions in the Fifth and Sixth scheduled of the constitution. Thus, the declaration of “Hill Areas” in Manipur is must dangerous than imposition of Armed Forces Special Power Act of 1958 in Manipur.
When the process for granting of State-hood to Manipur, the Government of India promulgated an Act of Parliament called Manipur (Hill Areas) District Council Act 1971 under section 4 of subsection 3 Vide Bill No. 76 of 26/12/1971 for safeguarding the Hill Areas and protection of Tribals in Manipur, this provide for creation of six ADC in Hill Areas of Manipur for ultimate conversion to full-fledged District. Question is why protection of Hill alone. Why not valley which is less than 10 percent of the total are of the State?
Hill Area of Manipur covers approx, 90 percent of the area of Manipur. After Independent, the Government of India committed to safeguard the well-being and interest of the Hill Tribals by assimilating the provisions in the Fifth and Sixth scheduled of the constitution, necessitated the declaration of “Hill Areas” in Manipur.
If the Government of India can passed Bill for safeguarding the Hill Areas and protection of Tribals, the same GOI must be ready to pass Bills for protection of Valley Areas and protection of Meetei which is also a Forest Tribe (as per the official record of the British Government of India).
Who planted this Time Bomb in 1971? It was a Congress MP from Outer Manipur Parliamentary seat, Mr Paokai Haokip and Mr N. Tombi Singh, another Congress MP from Inner Manipur Parliamentary seat. The Prime Minister of that period was Madam Indira Gandhi.
These two traitors of Manipur deliberately sidelined the Geo-politics of the State? Instead of HAC, there must be Valley Areas Committee (VAC) Act to safeguard the Valley which need special protection to bring equality in the State.
I was researching who were those traitors of Manipur Assembly. Unfortunately, during those year, from 17 October 1969 to 22 March 1972, President Rule was imposed (for 2 years,157 days).
Where on earth and in which Constitution of the world such Special Protections and land Act for 90 percent of majority and discrimination for the remaining 10 percent minority are found?
Unrest in Manipur and discrimination of Meetei by the Hill people is the handiwork of the Hill Area Committee of 1972. The Manipur (Hill Areas) District Council Act 1971 was drafted by Shri D. G Bhave retired Chief Secretary of Manipur in 1971 and enacted by Parliament in 1972. If I am not wrong, Mr D. G Bhave never consulted the people of Manipur while drafting this Bill.
Dr V. V. Giri President of India promulgated the Manipur Legislative Assembly (Hill Areas Committee) Order, 1972. The First Schedule of the order describes the "Hill Areas" and the Second Schedule contains the list of the Schedule Matters (13 in number).
Voice for a Separate Administration, Alternate Arrangements and Hill-Valley divide are fueled by HAC. So it is better, we mobilise to scrap this Anti-Valley Act of 1972 for equality and social justice. Vested Politicians are misusing HAC like a remote control to unrest the state for the last few decades. Time now to silence them!
Let us KILL the HAC Act, the mother of every unrest now!