Monday, 9 February 2015

#BJPLaanaHai contribution in Delhi Election 2015

Tomorrow will be the D-Day for BJP. Despite Exit Polls giving AAP a moment to relax, still I trust BJP. We have worked in Delhi almost 3 weeks, meeting people, mobilising and campaigning in Social Media. At least our survey gives BJP a comfortable margin to form a stable government.

Yes, AAP is giving us a tough fight. May be one important factor is the absence of Congress in Delhi Election.  Close straight fight between BJP and AAP will be seen in almost 60 seats. Party with Minimum 40 plus seats will form government as per Exit Polls.

MODIfied Northeast India took the initiative to campaign in Delhi Election with the support of Social Media team which are based in different States like  Delhi, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, Manipur, Assam etc.  We named our campaign as #ChaloDelhi and used different hashtags  till the voting day on 7th Feb, 2015.

We are contributing in trending important hashtags like #MissionDelhi, #BJPDoortoDoor, #TrustModi, #ModiPMBediCM, #AbkiBaarBediSarkar, #DelhiVotes4BJP, #Vote4BJP during our course of  online campaigning.

On ground we meet voters from Northeast, Bihar, Bengal, Orissa and various states and successful to mobilise around 3000 voters. However, issue of "North Eastern Immigrants" became a headache for us and we have to convince Northeast voters about the tag which was mentioned in Vision Documents of Delhi BJP.

AAP and Congress began to play politics on the controversial "Immigrants" tag and various calls from Manipur, Assam  and Banglore, Pune, Chandigarh over the issue was calm down when Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji intervened, admitting it was a mistake from the party.

Now, we are waiting for the good news which will bring stable government in Delhi, with the support of Shri Narendra Modi ji.