The hottest event from the BJP #LetsTalkGovernance is all set to bring India's sharpest brain. Happening on 9th October, 2013 at BJP Central Office, 11 Ashoka Road in New Delhi, the event will be chaired by Shri Nitin Gadkari ji, Former National President of the Party.
Inspired by Shri Vinit Goenkaji, National Co Convenor IT cell, #LetsTalkGovernance is one of the most important event of the party. I also reached Delhi today to attend this event where we will have the opportunity to interact with the sharpest minds from the alumni of IIT, IIM, BHU and other top Institutes of the country.
I was excited and do not want to miss such a golden opportunity of having my voice in the governance of the country. There is no governance in Manipur since 2-3 decades and we need to bring a good governance in coming days. Unemployment, failed projects, depletion of state resources and unstable economy are the few images of Manipur, same happens for the Country.
India's economy is going backward, corruptions, scams and scandals have looted the country. Shri Vinit Goenka ji idea of bringing the professionals from various part of the country is to have different voice in the governance to make a change.
At the pre-event meeting today, Vinit ji asked, "When we have so much talents, IT brains, Management Gurus, why we failed in terms of Governance?" Paralysed policies is making resourceful country a failed Nation, he added. Today, as part of the #LetsTalkGovernance, supporters of Shri Vinitji have arrived from Maharashtra, Chhatisgarh, Manipur Assam, Uttar Pradesh and other states to make the dreams of Shri Vinitji for a stronger and developed India.
#LetsTalkGovernance will surely help our leaders to adopt the policies and framework suggested by Country's sharpest brain and this is the beginning of a new India which we are seeing in 2014. The event is expecting active participants who would be a change maker of the Country.