Thank you 4G and Android
Smartphones. Today, I can change the lives of hundreds of farmers. Being a
researcher of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Agriculture, recent
introduction of 4G in my city, Imphal is a blessing for many farmers. I could
teach and show many farm related videos to the local farmers which are not
available in mainstream media or the Kishan Channels.
The best part of new revolution
is that farmers could easily own Mobile phone with Octacore, having 4G
facilities at a price ranging from Rs 5000-6000. At mobile market, one could
pick up the affordable handsets which can support 4G internet.
Airtel has already introduced their 4G services
some months ago. If other service
providers also initiate the service, then network connectivity will set
footprints in remotest part of the Country. The Central government project of “Digital
India” may also support the availability of 4G among rural youths, transforming
education, healthcare and livelihood to the next level.
Mobile companies must also introduce
“MakeInIndia” campaign in deleveloping handsets and apps which are target
oriented to provide more utilities. The new generation of Internet Speed, 4G
must be game changer in the domain of Information Technology (IT) and Mobile
Along with such superfast internet speed, what
we need is the introduction of various Farm related apps which can be easily
downloaded from Android Smartphones. Lives of rural farmers will be changing
and the Nation will be known as the land of "Smart Farmers" having
#TEchnocrats farmers soon.